Picture Cutout Guide v1.2 Full Version Keygen Serial

The Picture Cutout Guide application was developed to be aprogram that will allow users to separate objects from thebackground and makes a photomontage.

Picture Cutout Guide allows you to change the size or aspect ratioof an image keeping the “important” features intact and removeobjects from photo without visible traces.

Wide Edge
This tool allows you to separate an object from its background, toapply background effects (filling, shadowing, blur), and toseparately store an object for later pasting onto anotherimage.
Size – adjusts the size of the tool (tool size maybe adjusted by rotating the mouse wheel, or by using the pageup/down keys).
Separate – begin separating an object from its background. Wideedge must be indicated by the brush.
Clear – allows you to completely clear the wideedge.
Effect – applies a selected background effect. Anobject must be separated from its background.
Swap – swaps the object and its background. Aneffect must be applied previously.
Store – stores the separated object for laterpasting onto another image. An effect must be appliedpreviously.
Done – finishes processing after effectapplying.
Background: Color – fills the background byselecting color.
Background: Shadow – reduces the backgroundbrightness. The shadow degree indicated by trackbar.
Background: Blur – blurs the background. The blurdegree indicated by trackbar.
Background: Monochrome – makes the backgroundmonochrome by the selected color.

Paste Object
This tool allows pasting an object (separated from its backgroundby another tool) into an image. It also is possible to transformthe object using vertical and horizontal reflection.

The object selected for pasting is displayed on the tool top.
Rotation – allow you to rotate selected object atan arbitary angle.
Delete – deletes the selected object. Deletedobjects cannot be recovered.
Thumbnails of the objects that can be selected are displayed on thetool bottom. To select an object, click on its thumbnail.

Here are some key features of “Picture CutoutGuide”:
– Separates solid objects from an arbitrary background, allowstransferring objects to another photo.
– Allows applying background effects. Fill with the selected color,shadow and blur with selection and density.

Installer Size: 2.4 MB

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