Ext JS helps you build data-intensive,cross-platform web apps for desktops, tablets, and smartphones.Take advantage of powerful features in Ext JS Premium includingPivot Grid, D3 Adapter, Calendar, and Exporter.
With Ext JS, create data-intensive HTML5 applications usingJavaScript
Sencha Ext JS provides everything a developer needs to builddata-intensive, cross-platform web applications. Ext JS leveragesHTML5 features on modern browsers.
Ext JS features 115+ high-performance, pre-tested and integratedUI components including calendar, grids, charts and more. The ExtJS Grid and Advanced Charting package can handle millions ofrecords with ease. The framework includes a robust data packagethat can consume data from any back-end data source. With SenchaPivot Grid and D3 adapter, organizations can add leading-edgevisualization and analytics capabilities to their web applications.See a comparison with other frameworks.
The rich set of Ext JS tools and themes help improve developmentproductivity and accelerate the delivery of great looking webapplications. Tools are available to help with application design,development, theming, and debugging as well as build optimizationand deployment.
Pre-Integrated and Tested UI Components
Ext JS includes the industry’s most comprehensive collection ofpre-integrated and tested high-performance UI components. Thesecomponents include HTML5 calendar, grids, pivot grid, D3 adapter,trees, lists, forms, menus, toolbars, panels, windows, and muchmore. Hundreds of user extensions are also available from theSencha community.
The Sencha Grid enables organizations to handle millions of recordsand provides out-of-the-box functionality such as sorting,grouping, column locking, and summary rows.
Rich Data Analytics
Ext JS enables organizations to add powerful analytics capabilitiesto their web applications with Sencha Pivot Grid. It allows usersto summarize, aggregate and analyze multidimensional data to makemore informed decisions.
Sophisticated Data Visualization
The D3 Adapter enables you to add sophisticated Data-DrivenDocuments package (D3) visualizations such as heatmaps, treemaps,sunbursts, and more to your web applications. Now you can createdynamic visualizations that not only tell a specific story, butalso help your users to explore their data and understand whatstories it has to tell.
Back-end Agnostic Data Package
The robust data package included in Ext JS decouples the UIcomponents from the data layer. The data package allows client-sidecollections of data using highly functional models that offerfeatures such as sorting and filtering. The data package isprotocol agnostic, and can consume data from any back-end source.It comes with session management capabilities that allow severalclient-side operations, minimizing round-trips to the server.
Layout Manager and Responsive Configs
Ext JS includes a flexible layout manager to help organize thedisplay of data and content across multiple browsers, devices, andscreen sizes. It helps you to control the display of components,even for the most complex user interfaces. Ext JS also provides aresponsive config system that allows application components toadapt to specific device orientation (landscape or portrait) oravailable browser window size.
Accessibility Package (ARIA) for Section 508 compliance
The Ext JS ARIA Package makes it possible to add accessibilitysupport to your applications by providing tools that you need toachieve Section 508 Compliance. Using the ARIA package, you cancreate apps that can be used by people who need assistivetechnologies such as screen readers to navigate the web.
Customizable Built-In Themes
Ext JS components are available in multiple built-in themesincluding Material, Triton, Classic, Neptune, and Crisp. The themesare customizable to reflect a specific brand identity. Sencha Cmdexposes hundreds of variables used by Ext JS themes, which can bealtered to design custom themes.
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