>Download 3D-Coat v4.8.14C x64 Keygen Crack


Software Description:

The main aim of the program is detailing and texturing theobject already shaped in other 3D-packet. You work on detailinglevel equal to 3 to 5 millions of polygons. Operating speed ofediting and viewing objects has grown bigger because of using a mapof normals instead of geometrical splitting.
It is well-known that it is easy to shape the object…it takesseveral hours. But detailing and texturing is long process taking 3to 10 times more time then modeling a draft itself.3D-Coat is made to make this part of technologicalprocess faster.
3D-Coat includes features for sculptural modeling making the changeof shape possible.

Here are some key features of “3D-Coat (formerly3D-Brush)”:
Voxels video:
–  Voxel sculpting allows you sculpt without any topologicalconstraints and make complex details from nothing!

–  3D-Coat offers wide set of retopology tools. It combinesmany approaches of retopologisation to make it quick andeffective.

Layers contain depth, color and specular:
–  Layers contain depth, color and specular. You can disableor enable any of these channels, put effects on them – extrusion,transparency, contrast, multiplication of depth, additionalspecular.

2D and 3D painting:
–  Paint over UV as easy as paint over 3D-modes. Almost alltools work in uv-plane and in 3D.

Seamless painting:
–  Paint seamlessly over uv-plane. It is easy to use 3D-Coatto create seampless textures and paint bump. Just go toFile->Import image plane

Multichannel pens:
–  Every pen has many channels – color/depth/specular anderaser.

Fill with gradient:
–  Fill areas with gradient fading

Spherical filling:
–  Fill areas with spherical gradient

Image correction:
–  Image correction filters with realtime preview in 3D

Layers masking:
–  Mask one layer with other one

Paint patterns:
–  Painting patters, putting images along splines

Customize interface:
–  You can define hotkey for any action in easy way

Closed curves:
–  Possibility to draw closed curves and curves with sharpedge-points

–  Possibility to draw a huge variety of arrows

Cavity painting:
–  Paint on cavity, use many different conditions forpainting

Realtime preview:
–  Realtime preview of complex materials

Export morphs:
–  Possibility to export separate layers as morphs

–  You can sculpt from sphere as it is shown here.

Direct manipulation:
–  You can fix several points on the surface and drag anotherpoint like you can see it in the video.

Change of proportions:
–  With gradient allocation is easy to change proportions ofparts of a body, in this case you see change of the size of ahead.

Filling of areas with fractals and materials:
It is possible to fill areas with fractals or with the use ofmaterial, consisting of layers of depth, color and specular. Anarea can be chosen in several ways:
–  the closed area of the set color
–  the closed area inside “frozen” contour
–  a rectangular
–  an ellipse
–  lasso
–  a line from one point to another
–  on a spline connecting of some points

Filling with fractals and volumetric textures:
–  There are many types of fractals which as a matter of factare volumetric textures. Filling with fractals well for giving theinitial form and color of a surface before manual processing.

Drawing of the text on the image:
–  You can put the text on a surface of an object. The text isput along a spline, you can even write the text around of allobject

Drawing with a contour:
–  You can draw not only with a pen, but also with a contour,a rectangular or an ellipse. It is possible to apply set of effectson a pen – fractals or materials. It is possible to draw throughall object, and on a visible part only.

Filling of color with a gradient:
–  It is possible to fill the closed areas with imposing agradient of colors.

Stacking of longitudinal forms:
–  It is possible to put the certain longitudinal form atdrawing with a pen or at imposing a spline. In figure you see achain which has been imposed by two strokes of a pen. Longitudinalforms and pens can be created both from pictures, and from3D-objects.

Transformation of a parts of surface:
–  You can allocate any part of a surface and transform itfree, like in the Photoshop by pressing CTRL+T. The part can be notonly rectangular, but also round or complex form. Thus it ispossible to set width of border of allocation – softtransformation. On figure transformation of a part of the textallocated with lasso is shown.

Cloning of the image in 3D:
–  Parts of a surface can be cloned like in the Photoshop butin 3D.

[B]Mirror cloning:
–  It is possible to clone sites not only paralleltransformation, but also with mirror symmetry.

Inverse cloning:
–  It is possible to clone with inversion relative to a point.Also it is possible to clone with turn. For example, having drawn adetail on a round board , it is possible to multiply it on allboard.

Symmetric copying:
–  If you have textured only one side of model, you can simplytransfer details from one side of models to another, drawing withpen (symmetric cloning).

Use of multilayered pens:
–  Each pen contains color, a transparency, depth, specular,and a mask of deleting. The mask of deleting allows to erase beforedrawing of color contents of a layer in that place where we draw apen. The pen can be edited in the external editor, which can editPSD – files. In figure you see editing a pen from 3D-brush in AdobePhotoshop.

Editing of a projection with layers:
–  You can edit a current projection in the external editor inview of layers. If the layer will be added in the editor it willautomatically be transferred in 3D-Brush. In figure you see editingof projection in Adobe Photoshop.

Editing of a texture with layers:
–  It is possible to edit a texture of your model in theexternal editor in view of layers. In the external editor it ispossible to create new layers which will automatically betransferred in 3D-Brush.

Creation of pens from 3D – objects:
–  It is possible to create pens not only from pictures, butalso from 3D objects.

Texture mapping of object:
–  You can use a texture or a photo to impose it on object.Thus it is possible to impose not only color, but also a relief andspecular, having chosen for them additional textures.

Calculating of global illumination:
–  Global illumination (occlusion) can be calculated and bakedto texture.

Installer Size: 761 MB

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