With ContextCapture Center, you can quicklyproduce even the largest and most challenging 3D models of existingconditions for infrastructure projects of all types, includingscales as large as entire cities, derived from any digitalphotographs, including support for the most sophisticated aerialcamera systems, including UAVs acquisition systems and laserscanners. Without the need for expensive, specialized equipment,you can quickly create and use these highly detailed 3D realitymeshes to provide precise real-world context for design,construction, and operations decisions for use throughout thelifecycles of projects.
– Consume imagery from many cameras and sensor types
Utilize a wide variety of cameras, from smartphones tohighly-specialized airborne or terrestrial multidirectionalacquisition systems. Take advantage of any available image formatand metadata to create 3D models.
– Create animations, videos, and fly-throughs
Produce high-resolution orthographic and perspective images byrendering snapshots of any size. Set image size and scales usingoutput rulers, scale, and positioning for accurate reuse. Takeadvantage of the intuitive time-based fly-through and objectanimation system for quick and easy movie production.
– Create high-fidelity images
Use high-fidelity imaging tools to support precision mapping andengineering. Combine imagery in virtually any format andprojection.
– Create scalable terrain models
Use and display very large terrain models to increase return oninvestment on large datasets. Display scalable terrain models in avariety of modes, such as smooth shading with shadows, aspectangle, elevation, slope, contours, and more. Synchronize terrainmodels with source data such as DGN files, point-cloud data, andmore.
– Employ scalable computing power
Speed production with the ability to use the latest computingsystems for desktop and cluster processing units with the abilityto leverage GPU computing, multi-core computing, advanced bundleblock adjustment, tiling mechanisms, task queuing and monitoring,grid computing, and ultra large project management.
– Generate 2D and 3D GIS models
Produce accurate georeferenced 3D models using a full range ofgeospatial data types including true orthophotos, point clouds,raster digital elevation models and Esri I3S format. Includes anSRS database interface to ensure interoperability with your GISsolution of choice.
– Generate 3D CAD models
Produce 3D models using a range of traditional CAD formats such asSTL, OBJ or FBX, point cloud formats, as well as innovativemultiresolution meshes like the Bentley open 3SM or 3MX to ensureyour models are accessible in your modeling environment.
– Integrate data from many sources with reality meshes
Enrich reality meshes with additional data like geospatialinformation, by attaching it to specific parts of the mesh,providing the ability to subsequently search and visualize regionsof a mesh based on the associated data.
– Integrate positioning data
Leverage ground control points or GPS tags to preciselygeoreference models. This enables you to geocoordinate your projectand accurately measure coordinates, distances, areas, andvolumes.
– Measure and analyze model data
Save time getting accurate answers by performing precisemeasurements of distances, volumes, and surface areas directlywithin the 3D viewing interface.
– Model geometry from reality modeling data
Extract break lines, paint lines, surfaces, planes, cylinder, andcylinder center lines from reality meshes and point clouds.Efficiently clip and section point cloud and reality meshes tostreamline vector extraction.
– Perform automatic aerotriangulation and 3Dreconstruction
Fully calibrate all images by automatically identifying therelative position and orientation of each photo. Employ automatic3D reconstruction, texture mapping, and retexturing of ties andreconstruction constraints to ensure highly accurate models.
– Publish and view Web-ready models
Produce models of any size that are optimized for Web publishing,and that can be viewed using a free plugin Web viewer. This enablesinstant sharing and visualization of 3D models on the Web.
– Visualize, manipulate and edit reality modeling data
Visualize and edit point clouds with billions of points, changingtheir classification, color and removing or editing points.Manipulate reality meshes and scalable terrain models with hundredsof millions of triangles. Import, retouch, and export meshes inmany formats.
File Size: 615 MB
Download Links : Bentley ContextCapture Center v4.4.9.516 x64 + Crack