If you want to learn Russian, TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award winnerRosetta Stone Russian is far and away the bestsoftware available today.
With a well-designed, easy-to-use format, Rosetta Stone Russianexpertly increases your Russian pronunciation while developing yourRussian reading and writing skills—giving you all you need to learnthe Russian language successfully. At the core of Rosetta StoneRussian is a tried and true method of image and word association,which greatly increases vocabulary retention.
Here are some key features of “Rosetta StoneRussian”:
– Ease of Use: Rosetta Stone Russian is so simpleto use and navigate that most children and computer novices can useit without trouble. Finding your way around the program iseasy.
– Feature Set: Rosetta Stone Russian offers speech recognitionsoftware that detects how well you pronounce each word, giving youconfidence to use what you’ve learned in an actual Russianconversation.
– Effectiveness: Rosetta Stone Russian offers themost extensive set of features and techniques of any Russiansoftware we’ve seen; this program is an excellent tool to build asubstantial Russian vocabulary quickly.
– Fundamentals: We felt Rosetta Stone Russian didan exceptional job covering the crucial components of learningRussian: reading, writing, listening and speaking are all coveredwell
Setup+Crack Size: 1260 MB
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