SeismoStruct v2016 Keygen Serial


Software Description: SeismoStruct v2016 Crack Serial

SeismoStruct is an award-winning Finite Elementpackage capable of predicting the large displacement behaviour ofspace frames under static or dynamic loading, taking into accountboth geometric nonlinearities and material inelasticity. Concrete,steel, frp and sma material models are available, together with alarge library of 3D elements that may be used with a wide varietyof pre-defined steel, concrete and composite sectionconfigurations. The program has been extensively quality-checkedand validated, as described in its Verification Report.

Here are some key features of”SeismoStruct”:
– Completely visual interface. No input or configuration files,programming scripts or any other time-consuming and complex textediting requirements.
– Full integration with the Windows environment. Input data createdin spreadsheet programs, such as Microsoft Excel, may be pasted tothe SeismoStruct input tables, for easier pre-processing.Conversely, all information visible within the graphical interfaceof SeismoStruct can be copied to external software applications(e.g. to word processing programs, such as Microsoft Word),including input and output data, high quality graphs, the models’deformed and undeformed shapes and much more.
– With the Wizard facility the user can create regular/irregular 2Dor 3D models and run all types of analyses on the fly. The wholeprocess takes no more than a few seconds.
– With the Building Modeller the user can create real regular orirregular 3D reinforced concrete models of up to 20 storeys withinminutes.
– Eight different types of analysis: dynamic and statictime-history, conventional and adaptive pushover, incrementaldynamic analysis, eigenvalue, non-variable static loading, andresponse spectrum analysis.
– The applied loading may consist of constant or variable forces,displacements and accelerations at the nodes, as well asdistributed element forces. The variable loads can varyproportionally or independently in the pseudo-time or timedomain.
– The program accounts for both material inelasticity and geometricnonlinearity.
– A large variety of reinforced concrete, steel and compositesections are available.
– The spread of inelasticity along the member length and across thesection depth is explicitly modelled in SeismoStruct allowing foraccurate estimation of damage accumulation.
– Numerical stability and accuracy at very high strain levelsenabling precise determination of the collapse load ofstructures.
– The innovative adaptive pushover procedure. In this pushovermethod the lateral load distribution is not kept constant but iscontinuously updated, according to the modal shapes andparticipation factors derived by eigenvalue analysis carried out atthe current step. In this way, the stiffness state and the periodelongation of the structure at each step, as well as higher modeeffects, are accounted for. In particular the displacement-basedvariant of the method, due to its ability to update the lateraldisplacement patterns according to the constantly changing modalproperties of the system, overcomes the inherent weaknesses offixed-pattern displacement pushover, providing superior responseestimates.
– SeismoStruct possesses the ability to smartly subdivide theloading increment, whenever convergence problems arise. The levelof subdivision depends on the convergence difficulties encountered.When convergence difficulties are overcome, the programautomatically increases the loading increment back to its originalvalue.
– SeismoStruct’s processor features real-time plotting ofdisplacement curves and deformed shape of the structure, togetherwith the ability of pausing and re-starting the analysis.
– Capacity checks in chord rotation and shear can be performed,according to Eurocode 8, NTC-08 (Italian National Seismic Code) andKANEPE (Greek Seismic Interventions Code) and for all the limitstates of the specified codes.
– Performance criteria can also be set, allowing the user toidentify the instants at which different performance limit states(e.g. non-structural damage, structural damage, collapse) arereached. The sequence of cracking, yielding, failure of membersthroughout the structure can also be, in this manner readilyobtained.
– Advanced post-processing facilities, including the ability tocustom-format all derived plots and deformed shapes, thusincreasing productivity of users.
– AVI movie files can be created to better illustrate the sequenceof structural deformation.

Installer Size: 97.4 MB

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