Software Description: Genymotion v2.12.0 + v2.0.3 Pre-Rooted Full Crack
Whether you are an enthusiastic Android developer who needs avirtual environment to test your applications on or just want totake a device you intend on purchasing for a test drive,Genymotion is the application that can be theanswer you are looking for.
It provides you with a full-featured Android emulator that combinessimplicity with advanced 3D performance in order to help you getthe whole Android experience. Relying on the OpenGL technology, theemulator runs smoothly, no matter the device you select.
The application provides support for all the main Androiddevices available on the market, enabling you to test yourapplications on various handsets and identify compatibility issues.Each virtual device is downloaded and deployed from the Genymotioncloud and integrated within the emulator. All the stored entriescan be easily managed using the comprehensive and user-friendlyinterface.
The emulator allows you to truly enjoy the advantages of an Androiddevice. You can download and install application from GooglePlay,access the ‘Settings’ section and perform modifications, place appsand widgets on the desktop or launch one of the predefined appsthat the device comes with.
It offers you full control over powerful device sensors andfunctioning parameters, such as the battery, the gyroscope, theaccelerometer, virtual keyboard, camera, light, volume,temperature, screen rotation and so on. It enables you to customizeWi-Fi and networking settings, while the Genymotion command shellallows the simultaneous testing of apps on an unlimited number ofvirtual devices.
The emulator can be automatically connected to the Android SDK andEclipse integration is possible thanks to the Genymotionplugin.
Android is one of the most widely used mobile operating systems,adopting a permissive licensing model that allows enthusiasticdevelopers to explore its capabilities and create astonishingapplications. Genymotion is capable of improving their workflowwith its solid performance and good response, providing a reliableand practical emulator for Android.
Installer Size: 157 MB
Download Links : Genymotion v2.12.0 + v2.0.3 Pre-Rooted + Full Crack