LockXLS 2018 v6.1.7 Full Crack


Software Description:

LockXLS makes formulas and VBA code unavailableto your customers, adds various registration options – generateshardware based Computer Code, creates Activation Code to unlock theworkbook on your customer’s PC, customizes the messages shown tocustomers during registration. The locked workbook may have a trialperiod and a splash screen. Also it will be converted to anapplication, which runs on Excel but has no other externaldependencies making it easy to distribute.

Hide formulas and VBA Code
The user cannot get access to formulas in locked files, because allpossible ways are blocked by LockXLS. LockXLS stores formulas andVBA Code in the encrypted format.

Convert Excel Workbook to application
Workbook can be compiled to executable file, which doesn’t haveexternal dependencies. It doesn’t require any additional librariesto be installed on the customer’s PC.

Add Copy Protection Options
You can apply different protection options to your Excel workbooks- Hardware-Based Activation Code, Password, Trial Period, SerialNumber protection. Also, you can add End User License Agreement,Splash screen, Registration Reminder, …

No programming required
You should not be a programmer to use LockXLS. This product is easyto use. It has very simple interface designed to quide youstep-by-step to lock your files. Set of Sample Projects simplifieslearning the product.

All Excel features are supported
Workbook compiled with LockXLS supports all Excel features. Yourworkbook should not be changed before compilation. Only, you wantto use some advanced features, you should do some programming.

Create MSI package to deploy your workbooks
Your product looks professional with setup package, which has EndUser License Agreement, Banner image with your logo. Your productappears in the AddRemove Programs list and could be easilyinstalleduninstalled.

Installer Size: 9.1 MB

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