Software Description:
From your sketches to the final surfaces,solidThinking is a comprehensive NURBS-based 3Dmodeling and rendering environment for Windows and Mac thatdelivers all the necessary tools for the creation of high-quality,manufacturable models and the power to render them with unsurpassedphotorealism. Based on our industry-leading ConstructionTree™technology, the modeling process in solidThinking grants you thegreatest freedom to experiment with shapes and innovate.
solidThinking Inspire enables design engineers,product designers, and architects to create and investigatestructurally efficient concepts quickly and easily. Traditionalstructural simulations allow engineers to check if a design willsupport the required loads. Inspire enhances this process bygenerating a new material layout within a package space using theloads as an input. The software is easy to learn and works withexisting CAD tools to help design structural parts right the firsttime, reducing costs, development time, material consumption, andproduct weight.
– Geometry simplification tools
– Smoothing options
– Linear static analysis
– Concentrated mass parts
Installer Size: 1048 MB
Download Links > solidThinking Inspire v2018.1.10130 x64 + Crack