Download Active@ LiveCD Professional v4.0 Crack Serial


Software Description:

[email protected] LiveCD is a powerful set of tools thatwill help you in a number of data recovery and data securityscenarios. [email protected] LiveCD combines a number of powerful tools thatlet you recover lost data, reset Windows passwords, make computersystem backups and securely erase data. [email protected] LiveCD starts whenyou start your computer from a bootable CD/DVD/BD Disc or USBDisk.

[email protected] LiveCD features & utilities:
– Ability to start non-bootable PC for the data access andrecovery
– Boots up any machine from a portable media: CD, DVD, Blu-ray discor USB flash disk
– All boot modes supported: legacy BIOS and the latest UEFI secureboot (x86 & x64)
– Desktop configuration can be customized & saved to USB, thenrestored for next sessions
– Virus detection and infected systems repair, anti-virus scannerincluded
– R/W access to:NTFS,FAT/exFAT,Ext2/Ext3/Ext4,BtrFS,F2FS,ReiserFS,HFS+,JFS,UFS,XFS,ZFS
– Ability to recover deleted, damaged or re-formatted volumes &undelete files being lost
– Disk data backup and restore options Ability to back up volumes& local disks and to restore them back in case of systemcrash
– Ability to erase all data on volumes securely, 23 internationalerasing standards supported
– Ability to inspect data on a low-level, view & edit rawdisk’s sectors in hexadecimal editor
– Ability to reset local user passwords and user account attributesfor Windows OS family
– Software Manager: Downloads & Installs extra RPM packagesfrom web repositories
– System Tools: Expert Partitioner manages any types of disks,volumes, RAIDs, networking
– File managers: Dolphin & Krusader let you browse, search,copy/move files & folders
– Desktop: Control Panel configures User Accounts, Networking,Workspace, Display,…
– Networking: Connection Manager for Wired and Wireless (Wi-Fi)Connections, VPN,…
– Networking: Network Folder Wizard connects WebAdv, FTP, SSH &MS Windows shares
– Internet: QupZilla web browser, other utilities cab be downloadedfrom web repositories
– Remote access: Remote Desktop Client supports RDP, SFTP, SSH, VNCsecure connections
– Status & health monitoring: Disks, RAM, CPU & Networkmonitoring utilities included
– Graphics & multimedia: Image/Picture Viewers, Sound Mixer,CD/DVD Disc Burner
– Okular Document Viewer previews PDF, EPS, DjVu, FB2, eBook, CHMand other documents
– Advanced Text Editor previews/edits files stored in many textformats, colouring supported
– Security: Encrypted with TrueCrypt volumes and files can beattached and managed
– Console terminals: Konsole Terminal, Super User Mode Terminal,XTerm & Telnet
– Support tools: Ark Archiver, Calculator, Screen Capture, InfoCentre, Clipboard Manager

Installer Size: 433.6 MB

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