Download Legoaizer+ v4.2 Build 180 Crack


Software Description:

Legoaizer creates LEGO® brick mosaics,including all the required data to start building right away. LEGO®is hot again! With LEGO® you can make great predefined models, butits large selection of bricks, plates, shapes and colours allow forgreater works.
A growing community of (grown-up) people rediscover the potentialof these little bricks and plates to create great pieces of art.And Legoaizer uses the renowned high speed colour matching engineof Mosaizer Pro to optimize use of amount of bricks, colours andsizes.
Legoaizer is a stand-alone application that works under windows orunder a windows environment in OS-X (mac).

After installation you can immediately create a brick mosaic. Inthe first period of use the application is unrestricted and fullyfunctional. When these grace days have expired a few professionalfeatures will be limited or locked.
Photo realistic
The Legoaizer software is capable to create perfect colour matcheswith every possible combination of colours and sizes. Severalhigh-accuracy colour matching engines are used, including colour-and black & white dithering, and the Mosaizer Pro colourmatching engine. Even from a close distance the beautifulphotograph can be seen, no need to step away 5 meters to get rid ofthe mismatching colour patches.

Here are some key features of “Legoaizer+”:
Full control of brick choice
Several matching conditions can be set: always minimum cost, butalso individual size and colours, per type of brick can beaccurately preset. You can define the desired maximum amount of acertain brick because you don’t have more of them. And the cost isaccurately calculated. And the brick sets are completely integratedwith the Bricklink data. Legoaizer can be completely tailored toyour needs.

Save and re-use
Legoaizer remembers your last and favourite settings as projects,so you can resume any time with your brick mosaic. LEGO® mosaiccreation is interactive and very easy to use, and all output is inreadable and printable formats, like bitmaps and excel spreadsheetwith amount, cost and position/orientation data.

Ministeck is back
Legoaizer can also create Ministeck® mosaics. It uses the fullspectrum of the just 5 different shapes, including the favouriteL-shape piece. Legoaizer will optimize the use of commerciallyavailable sets and parts, so your cost is minimized. Creating yourown Ministeck® masterpiece has never been easier.

Beads on a plate:
Legoaizer is finally capable to also create bead mosaics. Theselittle pieces of plastic enjoy new attention from many enthusiastsall over the world. It’s not only a child’s play, huge mosaics havebeen made, 250 thousand beads is no exception anymore. Legoaizercan create these giant mosaic as easy as making a mosaic for a 50×50 peg board.

Installer Size: 9.38 MB

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