Software product Autodesk Revit , based onbuilding information modeling (BIM), for the design, constructionand operation management of high-quality, energy-efficientbuildings. Autodesk Revit – a complete solution that combinescapabilities of architectural design, design of engineering systemsand structures, as well as the simulation of construction (AutodeskRevit Architecture, Autodesk Revit MEP and Autodesk RevitStructure).
Parametric modeling
Parametric components are the basis for designing buildingcomponents in Revit. Express design intent for elementary parts aswell as detailed assemblies.
Collaborate in real time
Worksharing enables multiple team members to work on the sameproject at the same time on a central shared model.
Stay coordinated
With Bidirectional Associativity, a change anywhere is a changeeverywhere. Revit model information is automatically updatedthroughout the model.
Installer Size: 6540 + 297 MB
Download Links : Autodesk Revit 2019.0.1 x64 + Crack