EventStudio System Designer v6.1.118 Full Crack


Software Description:

Understanding complex telecommunication systems requires, moreoften than not, a board view of all the elements involved and alsoa tool capable of organizing the information in a direct and visualmatter.

One such tool is EventStudio System Designer, astreamlined piece of software that aims to provide you with all thenecessary features for visually representing telecommunicationsystems.

Put simply, the app makes it simple for you to generate case,sequence and collaboration diagrams, process workflows and evenmessage sequence charts, which help you represent systems asmultiple-level echelons.
The first thing you should know about EventStudio System Designeris the fact that it comes with all the tools you would expect froman app that supports general-purpose UML. In addition, it comeswith specialized tools for designing telecommunication systems.

Subsequent to its installation, you are met by a pragmatic andsimple main window that provides you with quick access to the app’sfeatures via a single-row toolbar and a well-organized menubar.Thanks to its simple workflow, you can soon start design objectsand message interactions.

call flow diagrams
Model call flows with sequence diagrams. Represent signalinginteractions, state transitions and timers. Generate inter-system,inter-subsystem or detailed flows.

use case diagrams
Visualize the use cases with use case diagrams. Define actors andsystems as a multi-level hierarchy. Specify interactions betweenactions and the sytem.

fdl to sequence diagram mapping
Enter your model in FDL, a declarative and expressive modelinglanguage. There are no new quirky graphical editors to learn. Noneed to worry about diagram formatting.

message. interactions.
Model message and object interactions. Specify parameters.Represent compound messages like multicasts and message chains.

actions. timers. states.
Define object level actions. Models timer start, stop and expiry.Define state transitions. Specify resources allocated andfreed.

multi level hierarchy 5 levels of diagrams
Zoom in and out of abstraction levels. Generate diagrams at system,subsystem, module, component or object levels.

control the details
Independently enable the display of message parameters, timers,actions, resources, state transitions.

View examples slice and dice your model analyze withdocuments
Analyze the model with a multitude of document types: collaborationdiagams, context diagrams, interface documents, and XML export.

parse trace logs in python
Transform hard to read text trace logs in sequence diagrams. Apython script automates the task on converting traces into the FDLmodel.

visualize trace
With the FDL model you can generate sequence diagrams that let youanalyze the sequence diagram trace at different levels ofdetail.

reverse engineer design
Generating sequence diagrams from traces is a great way of reverseengineer the design. Stuff that was missed in the designdocuments.

multiple scenarios
When designing multiple scenarios, just provide details on how thenew scenario differs from the base scenarios.

auto design review
EventStudio performs a design review of all scenarios. Memoryleaks, resource leaks and timer issues are detected at designtime.

comment on diagram
Use Adobe Reader X or greater to add review comments directly on tothe generated documents.

Installer Size: 8.93 MB

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