Software Description:
Battery Design Studio can be applied to allcell form factors (pouch, cylindrical & prismatic wound) andwill consider all aspects of the design to initially computevolume, weight, and power densities of designs. The comprehensiveuser interface walks the user through the setup up of their cellincluding electrode design, chemistry formulation, tabbingstrategy, and external packaging to arrive at a complete cellmodel.
Once a cell is created this can be used to simulate performanceover a given test cycle, confirming the models operation, or anappropriate drive or duty cycle enabling the limiting factors ofthe cell to be understood. These can be identified from simulationoutput highlighting the evolution of internal quantities, such aslithium concentration, across the electrode pairs within the cell.Such understanding provides insight into how a cell could beimproved and a cost/benefit analysis conducted to understand ifthis is ‘good’ solution. Uniquely, this cell model can be importedin to STAR-CCM+ using the Battery Simulation Module to enable adetailed flow, thermal and electrochemistry analysis of a batterypack using this cell model to be computed. For further informationgo to the STAR-CCM+ ‘add-ons’ page.
Battery Design Studio® can also be used as a neutral environment tocompare battery cell test work from various cycler manufacturers.The software contains converters for all popular cyclers, allowingdata to be presented in a regular format showing all data. Thisalso enables simulation data to be presented against cycler dataand the software contains many specific tools aimed at batteryanalysis, e.g. Voltage vs. DOD/SOC.
Here are some key features of “Battery DesignStudio”:
– Compute important attributes of a new cell designs, such asnominal capacity, open circuit voltage or total mass, using theelectrode dimensions and electrochemistry parameters
– Understand the sensitivity of a defined cell to the manufacturingvariability of underlying parameters, e.g. variable electrodeporosity or active particle size
– Simulate the electrochemical response of a cell to a given load,whether power or current, and optimise a design to reduce the totalmass or improve the capacity of the cell
– Understand and visualise the underlying phenomena that limit therate capability or capacity of a cell design, which may be alimitation of the active material, electrolyte or current path
– Create equivalent circuit models, which capture the response toload of a tested cell, by reading in test data and automaticallyregressing parameters to populate the circuit model
– Finally, complete a cell design which can then be passed toSTAR-CCM+ to represent the cell in a detailed three-dimensionalmodel. It can also be multiplied to create a module or pack
Installer Size: 222.92 MB
Download Links : Battery Design Studio v11.04.012 x64 + Crack