Software Description:
Digimat is a state-of-the-art multi-scalematerial modeling technology that speeds up the development processfor composite materials and structures. Digimat is used to performdetailed analyses of materials on the microscopic level and toderive micromechanical material models suited for multi-scalecoupling of the micro- and macroscopic level. Digimat materialmodels provide the means to combine processing simulation withstructural FEA. This means to move towards more predictivesimulation by taking into account the influence of processingconditions on the performance of the finally produced part.
As an efficient and predictive tool Digimat helps its users todesign and manufacture innovative composite materials and partswith great efficiency in time and costs. Today, Digimat isconsidered as a reference on the market thanks to its uniquecapabilities for highly filled materials. The Digimat community isspread all around the world with major Users in Europe, America andAsia.
Digimat capabilities are used by CAE engineers, materialsscientists and specialists in manufacturing processes of plasticand composite materials to accurately predict the nonlinearmicromechanical behavior of complex multi-phase materials andstructures. Digimat bridges the gap between manufacturing andperformance. It helps multi-industries using plastics &composites and organizing the market. Digimat is relied upon bymajor material suppliers, Tier1s and OEMS. It offers 3 differentcategories of products to the users:
– Tools
A complete set of complementary interoperable software productsfocusing on expert usage for the purpose of material and/orstructural engineering. Digimat offers tools on the microscopic(Digimat-MF, Digimat-FE) and macroscopic scales (Digimat-MX,Digimat-CAE, Digimat-MAP).
– Solutions
Non-expert usage of Digimat technology from fully integrated GUIguided environments for specific tasks. Digimat solutions convertcomplex multi-scale modeling workflows into easy-to-useenvironments (Digimat-RP, Digimat-HC, Digimat-VA).
– eXpertise
Knowledge transfer from 10+ years of experience in micromechanicalmodeling. Includes the Digimat documentation, a rich examplesmanual as well as access to e-Xstream offers for support andtraining. Digimat related media can directly be accessed.
Installer Size: 127 + 271 + 449 MB
Download Links : e-Xstream Digimat 2016.0 + Documentation + Third Party Components x64 + Crack