Download Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server 2017 x64 + Full Crack


Software Description:

With Infrastructure Map Server software you canmore quickly publish and share CAD, GIS map, and asset informationwith web-based GIS mapping software. Access, visualize, andcoordinate enterprise data with workers in the field, operationsand customer service personnel, and the public with web-basedmapping dashboards and reports.

Repurpose existing server and Feature Data Objects (FDO) data usinga RESTful web services protocol.

Publish a single DWG or multiple drawings
Gain greater visual data fidelity of DWG™ files withoutconversion.

WMS and WFS publishing
Simplify GIS maps with an OGC WMS and WFS publishing interface.

Preconfigured templates
Publish sites quickly using JavaScript, .NET, PHP, or Java.

Open source developer community
Further enhance sites with access to formats, such as widgets andtechnology mash-ups.

Mobile viewer
Use this browser application with most mobile platforms, includingAndroid-based
smart phones and iPhone and iPad mobile digital devices.

Installer Size: 844 MB

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