Software Description:
DirectUpdate is a software utility that canhelp you automatically update your Dynamic DNS account when your IPchanges.
It integrates with many of the free or paid DNS services and itruns as a NT service with remote (web) administration.
In addition, the program can perform local actions upon IP change,including FTP upload, application launching, service(s) restartingand email notification.The first ddns updater to receive Windowscertification (“Designed for Windows XP”, “Certified for WindowsVista” logo, and “Certified for Windows 8”).
Here are some Key features of”DirectUpdate”:
– Native service, run transparently in background (“install andforget”!).
– Remote administration and built-in web administration (from anybrowser).
– Secure updates (SSL or MD5).
– Supports many IP addresses simultaneously (Cable, xDSL, VPN,…).
– Supports many different ddns providers simultaneously (see listhere).
– EMail notifications, FTP upload, fully customizable.
– The first ddns updater to receive Windows certification(“Designed for Windows XP”, “Certified for Windows Vista” logo, and”Certified for Windows 8″).
– Native NT service (NT4.0/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8)
– Remote administration anywhere from the LAN and the Internet.
– Local & remote IP detection with user selection (landsl/cable router supported).
– Many dns services/providers supported simultaneously.
– WebAdmin (full administration using your browser!).
– Small & compact executable (the engine is less than 300KB!).
– Update can be forced every xx days to prevent accounts from beingbanned.
– Add support for “Wildcard” and “MaileXchanger”.
– Support of proxy server and proxy server authentication.
– Fully customizable notifications (Email and FTP).
– Engine can launch an external app and restart a service when anew IP is detected.
– Monitored log file size, and support of syslog deamon.
– KeepAlive option, to maintain your internet connection up ifrequired.
– Support IP detection via hidden (auto) proxy of ISP.
– Support local IP detection with router direct query!
Installer Size: 9.2 MB
Download Links : DirectUpdate v4.7.7.21 + Crack