Download Advanced Renamer v3.77 Full Crack


Software Description:

Advanced Renamer is a Windows applicationdeveloped to rename multiple files at once.

In addition, the program can be used to move or copy entire batchesof files or folders to another folder, all from a verywell-organized and clean interface.

The GUI we are talking about however is based on a multi-paneldesign, so rookies may not know where to start at the firstglance.

After adding the files or folders to be renamed to the processqueue, Advanced Renamer requires users to configure new renamingmethods, which include options such as remove pattern, renumber,replace, add, list, trim, new name and case, attributes andtimestamp.

Of course, each of these options comes with its very own pack ofsettings, so the “replacing” tool for example asks you for the textto be replaced and the one to replace with, enable case sensitiveand use regular expressions.

Advanced Renamer is most of the time a resource-friendlyapplication, but we’ve discovered some problems during our testing.Whenever we tried adding more than 100 items to the file queue, theprogram crashed on Windows 7 workstations.

On the other hand, it works much smoother on older Windowsiterations where it processes all files in no-time, without anyissue when it comes to the number of files you wish to rename.

All things considered, Advanced Renamer is an app that does itsjob, but it still needs a couple of improvements. It has awell-organized interface, but a wizard to assist users throughoutthe entire process may come in very handy.

Installer Size: 8.4 MB

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