Software Description: Aurora HDR 2018 v. Keygen Crack
Aurora HDR, perfect for photographers of allskill levels, provides a comprehensive set of state-of-the-arttools for HDR photography. It’s one of the most complete andpowerful HDR apps in the world. A joint project between Macphun andTrey Ratcliff, one of the world’s pre-eminent HDR photographerswith over 14 million fans online, Aurora HDR can help photographersof all skill levels create amazing images.
Quick overview
Get a sneak peek at the key features and improvements with JosephLinaschke – professional photo educator and the founder ofPhotoApps Expert.
Speed Improvement
The new Aurora HDR 2017 is at least 50% faster in comparison withthe previous version. So you’ll create more fantastic HDR photos ina shorter period of time. Speed improvements cover all aspects ofAurora HDR 2017.
Polarize Tool
Instantly and dramatically enhance the sky, make colors more vividand flawlessly remove unnecessary glare in your photos. Want togive it a try? Move the slider on the right to witness amazingchanges.
Batch Processing
Save time and quickly make your photos great. Aurora HDR 2017automatically groups your brackets, applies the effects / settingsyou choose and produces fantastic results. Just pick the photos andAurora will do the rest.
HDR Noise Reduction
The noise reduction in Aurora HDR 2017 has been dramaticallyimproved. Our new smart technology will automatically removelow-light color noise while merging the brackets or creating HDRfrom a single shot.
Top and Bottom Adjustments
Quickly make striking improvements to your image with thisredesigned tool that gives you complete flexibility and controlover exposure, contrast, vibrance and more.
Luminosity Masking
Automatically make advanced selections within your HDR photo basedon the Zone System. Simply click one or more zones and dramaticallyenhance the part of your image without brushes or complicatedselections.
Radial Masking
Highlight the sun, a face or anything else on your photo with thispowerful tool. Easily reshape the mask and adjust density,feathering or other settings to achieve a stunning result.
Advanced Tone Mapping
Many photographers want realistic, sharp and natural results fromtheir HDR tool. New Aurora HDR 2017 was created with this in mind,delivering less noise, better details and stunningly results forany photo, especially when starting with a RAW file.
Now you can create beautiful HDR, even if you don’t shootbrackets
Even though the most impressive HDR photos come from mergingmultiple exposure brackets, the special image processing algorithmwas designed to handle single images equally well. Load your TIFF,JPEG, PNG or a single RAW and let Aurora HDR 2017 do its magic.
A complete HDR photography solution
Aurora HDR 2017 brings you every tool imaginable to create perfectHDR photos. From HDR look controls and noise reduction to layersand luminosity masks. Over 100 tools and features, designedspecifically for HDR photography.
Installer Size: 228.24 MB
Download Links : Aurora HDR 2018 v. + Full Crack