Download HDL Works HDL Companion v2.10 R1 x64 + Activation Crack


Software Description: HDL Works HDL Companion v2.10 R1 x64 Crack

HDL Companion is the HDL designer’s Swiss armyknife. It will help you to get and keep a good overview of any HDLdesign, including third party IP, legacy code and other HDLsources. Complete design directories and design files are draggedinto HDL Companion and a complete design overview is created inseconds, uncovering information regarding numerous aspects of thedesign. The GUI offers many ways to navigate through the design andexplore the details you’re looking for.
The embedded fuzzy parsers accept any Verilog, VHDL or mixed HDLdesign code; even if the code is incomplete or contains errors.Syntactically correct HDL can also be linted to find problems notreported by the compilers.

HDL Companion has a unique setup of three main windows and aconsole window, which together offer a complete overview of yourdesign, from high level structure to the details in the sourcecode. The excellent navigation capabilities, including signaltracing, offer you an easy way to find an object and show itsdetails.
The Console Window shows all syntax errors and warnings, which caneasily be located in the HDL source using hot links from theConsole Window to the Scriptum Window. The Console Window alsofunctions as a Tcl interpreter, where any Tcl script or shellcommand can be executed.

Explore HDL Companion Features
– Global Views
HDL Companion creates a File View, an Object View and a Top LevelView from the files it finds in your project.

– Detailed View
Each object in the Global View can be examined in detail in theDetailed View. For each possible object (entity, architecture,configuration, packages and module) HDL Companion generates alogical ordered list of the contents grouped in sections. Thesection allows you to focus on the details you are looking for.

– Hierarchical view : You can create anhierarchical overview for each entity/module in your project. Thehierarchy can be displayed in 2 modes. One is the Tree view mode,also used in the other views. The other is the Rake mode, whichresembles the traditional top-down view.

– Signal tracing:
You can follow a port or signal through the hierarchy and see whereit is used in the Trace View. In the example at the right you seethe port clk_i from the module usbf_top being traced down. Thereferences denote where the signal is used in the HDL code.

– Search and Replace:
You can search through projects by using the Object Search or theText Search. Both search engines display the results in the ConsoleWindow. The Object Search works on the internal HDL database ofcompiled objects. The Text Search and Replace works on the files inyour projects. It allows you to perform a project wide search andreplace, through all files belonging to your project. This makes itmuch easier to perform global name changes in your project.

– Linting your design:
The Lint tool analyzes your VHDL or Verilog code and reportspotential problems which are not found by the compilers. It offersyou a simple but fast method to improve the quality of the HDLcode. It is intended to find all kinds of language constructs thatare formally correct but probably not intended. Examples aresignals that are defined but never used; signals that are on thesensitivity list of a process but not used inside the process; etc.You can run the Lint tool on the whole project or on packages,entities or modules separately. The results are displayed in theLint tab of the Console Window. You can double click on a messageto directly navigate to the source file and inspect the HDLcode.

– HTML generation: VHDL and Verilog to HTMLdocumentation generation
HDL Companion comes with an integrated HTML generator that allowsyou to export your project in a format that is easily accessible toothers. VHDL and Verilog files will be translated to HTML includinghyperlinks that allow easy navigation from identifiers to theirdefinition. To make the code more readable color coding is used tohighlight the VHDL and Verilog keywords.

– IP Integration
To ease the use of IP (developed internally or supplied by your(FPGA) vendor) a methodology has been developed to link this IPsmoothly with your design files. A configuration dialog allows youto specify vendor installation directories (like Actel, Altera andXilinx) to add their IP parts to the knowledge base of HDLCompanion. Company IP can also be specified in a similar way. Useof this IP is controlled on a per project basis.

– HDL Companion: Scriptum Editor
The Scriptum Window offers a language sensitive text editor with amultiple document interface. This built-in editor supports:
 – Language support for VHDL, Verilog, Java, SystemC, Tcl,EDIF, Perl
 – Syntax coloring
 – Column editing
 – Language templates
 – Identifier expansion
 – In- and outdenting
 – In- and outcommenting
 – Line numbering
 – Marker system for fast navigation

– EDA Tools Configuration
The support for other EDA tools has been split in two parts. Thephilosophy behind this approach is that you define your availabletools (and different versions of them) once; and select whichversions to use per project. This also allows you to easily switchbetween vendor and tool versions during your project. Secondadvantage is that HDL Companion will add these tools to yourprogram path and set the required environment variables. The EDATools Selection wizard allows you to select the appropriate toolsand set the options for these tools. Extra tool buttons will beadded to the GUI for easy access to the selected tools. A list oftools supported by default is provided below. Other tools orvendors are easily added through the Tcl interface.

Installer Size: 46.13 MB

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