Software Description: n-Track Studio 7.0.3 Build 3097 Final x86/x64 Full Crack
Audio recording, editing and mixing are tasks not to easy tocarry out, especially without a proper software solution at handfor processing the input. Among the applications designed for thesetypes of operations, n-Track Studio tries tocombines function variety with ease of use to offer a reallyenjoyable experience to its users.
Right off the bat you will surely notice the interface is quiteappealing, with its well organized layout providing quick access toall the features. The customizable view of n-Track Studio makes itpossible for you to quickly choose the elements that are displayedin the main window, depending on the type of job you are currentlyworking on.
Since it supports recording from several connected sound cards inthe same time, you can easily create complex projects that involvemultitrack mixing. There are may effects that can be added to asingle track and what seems to be most interesting in this respectis the ability to add real-time effects and get instantfeedback.
Converting songs saved in WAV format is possible and you will beable to turn them into MP3, OGG or WMA files. Also, if the tracksyou load are encoded with different sampling frequencies, you canbring them all to the same value using the dedicated functionavailable in the same conversion related area.
For those who need to work with MIDI files, n-Track Studio offers apiano-roll based editing facility, which can also be used forimporting and exporting the MIDI tracks. This specialized tool candisplay the tempo evolution and you can use it to increase ordecrease the velocity of the loaded audio, set note length and muchmore.
The built-in mixer that n-Track Studio comes with supports severalauxiliary inputs and many separated channels, each with its set ofindividual controls. Those interested in analyzing track andchannel frequencies have at their disposal a 3D spectrum view. If asonogram or simple spectrum view are preferred, they can beaccessed from each track’s settings window.
All in all, n-Track Studio is an application that can cater to mostneeds of advanced users, while also being accessible for lessexperienced ones. Its solid set of features make this software oneof the top-grade choices in its category.
Here are some key features of “n-TrackStudio”:
– Speed and transpose controls for whole song, tracks andindividual tracks .wav files
– Support for skinning user interface. Skins dialog box lets easilychange program appearance, including colors and graphic files usedto draw the interface
– Scrubbing to audition parts of the song by dragging with themouse in the scrub area below upper time axis
– Change speed with or without changing pitch
– Reverse playback of song and .wav files
– Waveforms can now be zoomed beyond 1 sample/1 pixel level
– Sample by sample manual editing at high zoom levels
– Allow directly specifing of musical key (instead of transpose /-)of Acidized loop .wav files
– Mono-stereo-left-right-expand to stereo channel mixer button
– Dockable channel properties window instead of modal popup dialogbox
– Button on waveform to audition single .wav file
– Button on waveform to drag .wav file without having to switchinto the ‘drag wave files’ mouse mode (Ctrl key)
– Tab control to switch between timeline and Piano-roll windows
Installer Size: 31.2 + 34.0 MB
Download Links : n-Track Studio 7.0.3 Build 3097 Final x86/x64 Crack Serial