Download> TaskMerlin Pro v4.0.0.2 Full Version Keygen Serial

TaskMerlin is anintuitive and easy-to-use GTD software and project managementsoftware tool that makes it simple to organize projects, tasks andto-do list. Unlike other task management software, TaskMerlinoffers complete flexibility for naming, structuring, and viewingyour tasks. Easily store, organize, manage, and retrieveinformation. This information can be as simple as notes andappointments, or as complex as multi-person, multi-year projects.Supports David Allen’s GTD (Getting Things Done) task and projectmanagement software system.

TaskMerlin is an intuitive and easy-to-useGTD software and project management software tool that makes itsimple to organize projects, tasks and to-do list. Unlike othertask management software, TaskMerlin offers complete flexibilityfor naming, structuring, and viewing your tasks. Easily store,organize, manage, and retrieve information. This information can beas simple as notes and appointments, or as complex as multi-person,multi-year projects. Supports David Allen’s GTD (Getting ThingsDone) task and project management software system.

Here are some key features of “TaskMerlin”:
– Saves you time, as you efficiently outline projects and tasksdirectly in the main screen (no need to open new windows)
– It’s flexible and adaptable, allowing you to reorganize yourprojects and tasks when your needs change
– It keeps you fully informed, with fast and powerfulpoint-and-click filtering, searching and sorting of information
– Information is always at your fingertips, as you store links tolocal documents and web pages, paste images and add rich textcontent
– Ensures your information is safe and secure, with password anduser security permissions, and data backup
– Convenient collaboration with your team, as they manage projectsand update tasks from their PC’s


Installer Size: 7.57 MB

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