Software Description: Redshift v2.5.40 Keygen Serial
Redshift is a powerful GPU-acceleratedrenderer, built to meet the specific demands of contemporaryhigh-end production rendering. Tailored to support creativeindividuals and studios of every size, Redshift offers a suite ofpowerful features and integrates with industry standard CGapplications.
Out of core geometry and textures
Redshift’s efficient memory management allows rendering of scenescontaining hundreds of millions of polygons and TBs of texturedata.
Global Illumination
Achieve blazingly fast indirect lighting using biased point-basedGI techniques, as well as brute-force GI.
World-leading performance
Harnessing the raw power of the GPU and using intelligent samplingtechniques makes Redshift the worlds faster renderer.
The user can export groups of objects and lights to Redshift Proxyfiles which can be easily referenced by other scenes. Proxies allowfor powerful shader, matte and visibility flag overrides as oftenrequired in production.
Transformation and deformation blur
Redshift supports multi-step transformation blur and 2-stepdeformation blur.
Volumetric rendering
Redshift support OpenVDB rendering in all 3d apps and native volumerendering in Houdini. Redshift lights can cast volumetric lightingaround them.
Hair rendering with ‘Min Pixel Width’
Thin hair can produce noisy renders. Redshift supports ‘MPW’rendering which smooths out the look of thin and hard-to-samplehairs.
Tessellation and displacement
Redshift’s tessellation supports edge and vertex creasing withseparate UV smoothing control.
Per-object flexibility
Objects have advanced matte features and tracing options such asself-shadowing and primary/secondary ray visibility.
Redshift allows for any type of AOV data to be baked out fromindividual objects.
Command-line rendering
Users can export their scene and render it independently of their3d app using the redshiftCmdLine tool.
A C++ SDK is available for studios that require deeper integrationof Redshift with their pipelines. Please contact us for moreinfo.
Physically Based Materials
Flexible, production-ready shader, compatible with PBR workflows ofAllegorithmic Substance and Unreal Engine.
Ray switches
Control how materials behave for certain ray types. Useful forcustomizing GI or double-sided polygon shading.
Hair shader
Multi-lobe anisotropic specular using the physically-basedMarschener BRDF.
Dedicated skin shaders
Support for up to 3 layers of sub-surface scattering in a singleshader for realistic looking skin.
Round corners
Get smooth edges without requiring geometry tessellation. Thistechnology is licensed from NVidia.
Displacement mapping with ‘auto-bump’
Add geometric and lighting detail to surfaces using displacementmapped height, vector textures or procedural shading nodes.
No texturing limitations
Virtually unlimited number and size of textures regardless of VRAM.Built-in efficient UDIM/UVTile tiling support.
Powerful shading attributes
Shaders can access per-vertex (weight maps, multiple UVs, etc) orper-object attributes for maximum flexibility.
Sprite node
Render foliage and other opacity-cutout effects blazingly fast!
Large variety of nodes
Redshift supports many dcc shading nodes for math, color ramps,color remaps and conversion, gamma and many others.
Dome lights
Efficiently light an entire scene using image-based environmenttextures.
Mesh lights
Use any mesh in the scene as a light source, with the same featuresand sampling efficiency as regular area lights.
Volumetric lighting
Redshift lights can affect atmospheric volumetric fogging for thepopular ‘God ray’ effect.
Physical sun and sky
Natural-looking physical sun light and sky emulation.
Multiple camera lens types
Fisheye, spherical, cylindrical cameras, lens distortion.
Stereo Spherical rendering for VR applications.
Deep and Layered EXR support
For 3d compositing and efficient management of AOVs.
Support for ICE interoperability for Maya to send ICE effects databetween Maya and Softimage.
Many AOV Types
Material shading components (albedo, diffuse, reflections etc),depth, motion vectors, puzzle-matte and many more.
Physical lens effects
Familiar photographic exposure controls such as ISO, shutter,vignette, color balance and textured bokeh depth-of-field.
Support for Autodesk’s extension for node managing instances ofscene objects created by a MASH network.
Support for Autodesk’s own geometry instancer for Maya.
Ornatrix Maya
Support for the super popular hair, fur and feathers plug-in forMaya.
Forest Pack
Support for the world’s most popular scattering plug-in.
PL Yeti
Support for the popular fur, hair and feathers tool-set forMaya.
Joe Alter
Support for Shave and a Haircut the veteran Maya hair and furplugin.
Support for the popular crowd simulation software for Maya.
Ornatrix Max
Support for the super popular hair, fur and feathers plug-in for3ds Max.
Hair and Fur
Support of the Houdini curve primitives, that are extracted asefficient Redshift hair objects.
Hair Farm
Support for the precise and powerful hair modeling 3ds Maxplug-in.
Houdini primitives
Automatic and configurable tessellation of the Houdini primitivesurfaces (primitives, nurbs, etc.).
Direct rendering of OpenVDB files and the Houdini Volume and VDBprimitives. Support of volume instancing and velocity grids.
Render of any kind of Houdini primitive as Redshift strands.
Support of the Houdini instancing, including the Instance OBJ node,and the “instance” and “instancepath” attributes, extracted as meshinstances or particle point clouds.
Physically correct lights
Full flexibility ranging from area lights to photometric/IESlights, ‘portal’ lights and texture-projected ‘gobos’.
Non-GUI Tools
The plugin is compatible with all the Houdini non-GUI tools(hython, hscript, etc.) and includes a set of custom HScriptcommands to control the renderer.
Mograph Cloner
Extensive support for Cinema 4D’s geometry objects includingInstances, Generators, Deformers, Cloners and MoGraph objects.
Particle Instancing
Support for powerful built-in particle instancing and per-particleattributes.
Installer Size: 267.6 MB
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