Software Description: TrackStudio Enterprise v5.0.8.2017060 x86/x64 Crack
Choosing an issue tracking system is a crucial decision for anyorganization. The wrong choice may not be obvious at first, but itcan lead to additional expenses, problems, and conflicts. In thelong run the wrong decision may cost you more than your budget willallow.
In order to manage complex tasks, you should divide them intosimpler ones, and subsequently, break these simpler tasks intostill smaller parts. In most issue tracking systems you cannot dothis: projects often cannot have subprojects, versions cannot havebuild numbers, and tasks cannot have subtasks.
Just imagine that the file system of your computer does notallow you to create a directory hierarchy. You would then have tocreate a long list of directories with names such as office-word,office-excel, office-powerpoint. The list would soon becomecumbersome and confusing. Would you like to use a file system thatdoes not allow you to search files located in several directoriesat once?
Within even the smallest project, it is often necessary to trackvarious types of issues, such as bugs, documentation changes, andsupport requests. These issue types may use different sets ofstates and transition rules. For example, a software tester issupposed to verify bugs, while a proofreader should control thedocumentation quality. The system should ensure that the softwaretester is not assigned the task of proofreading a text bymistake.
Nevertheless, the majority of systems available do not allow usersto specify a separate workflow for each issue type or for eachproject. Instead, the workflow is defined only once for all issuetypes and projects. The common solution is to install severalinstances of a system, where each of them has workflow configuredto track a specific issue type or project.
Often such systems have no facilities to copy users, user groups,filters, and reports between instances, making it difficult tosynchronize between multiple instances. The administrators in suchcompanies have to spend their time (lots of time!) on installing,configuring, backing up, and upgrading each the instance of thesystem. The only one who wins in such a situation is the vendor ofthe issue tracking software. When per-server licenses are used,more instances means more money for the vendor, more money out ofyou pocket and your administrators are spending more timeconfiguring the software instead of managing their projects.
The vendor of one well-known issue tracking system quotes theircustomer who writes that it takes 60 instances of the issuetracking system to manage 200 users and 20 projects. In thatsituation, even such a simple operation as getting the list of allunresolved bugs requires the administrator to perform the search 60times-even then, you will have to sum up the obtained resultsmanually!
As a result, the overwhelming majority of flat systems only allowyou to effectively manage 10-15 projects and the users mustpurchase licenses for additional system instances, which costs youmore money and creates more work for your administrators thusmaking the situation still worse and costing you still moremoney!
A hierarchical issue tracking system allows you to effectivelysolve all the above-mentioned problems. TrackStudio allow you toconfigure the system behavior in the most effective way, takinginto account the peculiarities of each specific project, customer,or issue type. TrackStudio Enterprise software will save you andyour company money and will put you ahead of your competitors.
Here are some key features of “TrackStudioEnterprise”:
– Fully web-based, including the Administrator Interface
– Explorer-style user interface
– WYSIWYG bug description editor
– Cross-platform supports for Internet Explorer, Mozilla, andFireFox
– Optimized for managing large numbers of tasks (bugs, projects)and users
– Easy-to-configure custom colors or graphics (company colors,logo, etc)
– Each user can enter and view date and time in their own time zoneand local format
– Full internationalization support (web, e-mail, reports)
– Out-of-the-box English and Russian skin support
– All forms are printer-friendly. Now you can print out any form,just use File->Print in your browser.
– JavaScript-based form validation prior to submission
– User default project. Each user can be assigned a project thatwill be available for him right after he/she logs in.
Installer Size: 86 MB
Download Links : TrackStudio Enterprise v5.0.8.2017060 x86/x64 + Crack