DaVinci Resolve 11 combines the world’s mostadvanced color corrector with professional multi track editing, sonow you can edit, color correct, finish and deliver all from onesystem! Davinci Resolve is completely scalable and resolutionindependent so it can be used on set, in a small studio orintegrated into the largest Hollywood production pipeline! OnlyDaVinci Resolve features the creative tools, compatibility, speedand legendary image quality you need to manage your entireworkflow, which is why it is the number one solution used onHollywood feature films.
The world’s most advanced grading tools.
DaVinci color correctors have been the standard in post productionsince 1984. There are thousands of colorists worldwide whounderstand the performance, quality and workflow of DaVinci.DaVinci Resolve features unlimited grading with the creative toolscolorists need and incredible multi GPU real time performance.That’s why DaVinci is the name behind more feature films,commercials, television productions, documentaries and music videosthan any other grading system!
Collaborate with over 70 new editing features!
DaVinci Resolve 11 includes over 70 new editing features includingan amazing new collaborative workflow that lets multiple peoplework together on the same timeline at the same time. Editing toolsare context sensitive, that means DaVinci Resolve automaticallyknows how you want to trim based on the position of the mouse soyou don’t have to waste time switching tools! You also getcustomizable keyboard shortcuts so you can edit quickly and movebetween applications with ease. DaVinci Resolve 11 has the mostadvanced collaborative editing tools that help you work fast so youcan focus on the visual flow of your edit!
Scalable power and real time performance.
DaVinci Resolve is scalable and supports multiple GPUs all workingtogether as found in the new MacPro, as well as the latest Windowsand Linux computers. You get support for up to 8 GPUs so that youcan build dedicated systems that are super fast and deliver blazingreal time performance. That’s important when you are working onhigh pressure projects with a room full of clients! Whether you areworking in your own post production suite or grading the nextHollywood blockbuster, workstations running DaVinci Resolve can besuper charged to keep up with you and your clients!
Setup+Crack Size: 224 MB
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