Web Cache Illuminator v5.3.5 Full Version + Crack

Whether you’re a computer forensic professional or you just wantto investigate what web sites someone has been visiting, the WebCache Illuminator makes the task much easier.
Just point and click to the web cache folder and it will create ameaningful list that not only displays all the file names in thecache; but, more importantly, displays the title given by the webpage’s creator.
Web Cache Illuminator conveniently searches thecomputer system for usual web cache folders so you don’t have to,and you can use its handy View/Delete Wizard to delete an entirecache folder, or only selected files. Web Cache Illuminator willprove to be be very useful in forensic work.

The presentation is shown in a browser so that you can view thefile list with a browser and actually see first-hand what any ofthe pages look like. It also features the ability to sort the listby title or date, or to filter graphic and/or binary files.
Web Cache Illuminator will enhance any investigation of onlineactivity because, in an attempt to hide their activity, peopleoften delete their browser’s history list — but they will forget(or do not know how) to delete the browser’s cached files. With theWeb Cache Illuminator, you can look at those cached files and shedconsiderable light onto their contents.

If you have ever tried to look at the cached files with a webbrowser or a file explorer, you know how useless the list is:basically you only get the file name, size, and other data notdescriptive of the contents. This program gives you much, much moreinformation, and it displays it both neatly and succinctly.

Installer Size: 1.53 MB

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