SDL Trados Studio 2014 Professional is thecomplete translation environment for corporate languageprofessionals, who want to edit, review and manage translationprojects, as well as organize corporate terminology.
Used by over 200,000 translation professionals worldwide, SDL’stranslation software allows companies to deliver world-classlocalized content to support their global sales and marketingefforts.
Deliver high-quality content in anylanguage
At the heart of SDL Trados Studio 2014 lies SDL’s powerfulTranslation Memory technology. By storing content created bytranslators, Translation Memories (TMs) allow for past material tobe re-used in future projects. The amount of leverage can vary butcan be as high as 80% for technical content. The use of TMs as partof a translation project not only increases translatorproductivity, it also improves consistency across content.
Make the most of your translation resource
Alongside the powerful TM engine, SDL Trados Studio offers numerousinnovative features that enable translation teams to be moreproductive. With Studio, translation speed can be significantlyaccelerated, potentially up to 100%, thanks to innovative featuresthat not only aid the translator in creating content faster, butalso speed up the project creation and review stages. When usedacross the translation supply chain, Studio delivers significantcost and time savings at every stage.
Maintain brand consistency across everylanguage
Protecting brand values and ensuring a consistent tone of voiceacross all languages is made possible through SDL MultiTerm 2014,the fully integrated Terminology Management solution that is partof Studio. By creating and distributing approved
terminology to all relevant stakeholders, language professionalscan ensure that correct terms are applied to every translation.
Effortless Project Management
Creating and delivering large translation projects across multiplelanguages is made easy with the project management capabilitiesfound in Studio 2014. And as part of the SDL Language Platform,Studio 2014 gives users the necessary flexibility and scalabilityto build their preferred translation supply chain, no matter howcomplex or far reaching.
Translate even faster with integrated machinetranslation
Combining Machine Translation (MT) with post-editing allowsprojects to be completed faster than ever before – with up to a100% increase in productivity. With SDL’s unique MT offering, everycompany can now integrate secure and customizable MT into theirtranslation process. Choose from:
– SDL Language Cloud Machine Translation – Instant access tohigh-quality pre-trained, industry-specific MT engines in thecloud
– SDL BeGlobal Trainer – An easy and secure way to train SDL’scloud-based MT software to deliver higher-quality automatedtranslations
Enjoy Translation!
SDL Trados Studio 2014 features a modern, intuitive design, with aworkspace that is easily customizable to suit the needs of theuser. Combined with Studio’s range of productivity features and theability to work on the widest range of file formats, Studio usersare properly equipped to deal with any type of translation project,no matter what.
Setup+Crack Size: 437 MB
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