Download> The Foundry HIERO v1.7V1 x64 + Full Crack

Familiar multi-track timeline
HIERO and HIEROPLAYER can playback and reviewsequences containing a mixture of video and audio tracks atvariable speeds on a familiar multi-track editorial timeline.Artists can also create and edit new sequences using the move,trim, slip, slide, roll and razor timeline editing tools.

NUKE consistent file format support
HIERO and HIEROPLAYER share image and audio reading functionalitywith NUKE and HIERO so all applications can read the same formatsin the same way. Formats include: R3D, ARRIRAW, EXR, MOV andDPX.

OCIO colour management
HIERO and HIEROPLAYER include OpenColorIO, the open source colourmanagement library backed by Sony Pictures Imageworks, which isconsistent across all The Foundry’s products to standardise colourspace conversions.

Audio import and playback
HIERO and HIEROPLAYER lets artists easily import WAV files forpreview and for addition to existing timelines, giving context toshot review.

Extensive review toolkit
HIERO and HIEROPLAYER give artists the core viewer functionalityneeded for comparing clips, sequences, tracks and versions in theA/B viewer, with stack, horizontal and vertical views, blendingmodes, colour sample tools, split wipe tool, gamma and gainsliders, and multi-channel support.

Real time image scopes
HIERO and HIEROPLAYER includes a histogram, waveform andvectorscope that let artists analyse the image information in eachshot in detail whilst playing back in context.

Media localisation caching
HIEROPLAYER can optionally copy remote footage to the artists localdrive to ensure improved playback when working in environmentswhere multiple NUKE artists access data over a shared network.

In-viewer jog and shuttle controls
HIERO & HIEROPLAYER give fast and intuitive control of frameshuttling directly in the viewer through the mouse for precisionplayback and review.

SDI broadcast monitor support
Accurately check colour space and aspect ratios on broadcastcontent during review on compatible Blackmagic and AJA SDI-OutHardware.

Modal Editoral Tools
HIERO and HIEROPLAYER offer familiar editorial functionality in theform of individual tools to select, select track, slip & slide,roll & ripple, retime, razor, razor all and join, meaningeditors using HIERO now have the complete set of standard and easyto use controls straight on the timeline as well as in HIERO’sunique multi-tool.

Source / record 2-up viewer layout & 3-pointediting
HIERO and HIEROPLAYER have a familiar editorial layout that giveseditors the ability to insert and overwrite clips from the sourceview directly into the timeline through the use of standard 3-pointediting techniques.

Editorial keyboard interface
HIERO and HIEROPLAYER offer in-depth precision clip or editselection and nudging, playhead shuttling from timecode andextended JKL, to give advanced control straight from thekeyboard.

Import EDL and FCP XML
HIERO conforms EDLs and XMLs into a multi-resolution, multi-tracktimeline, including audio. These tools help take the pain out ofthe conform process, alongside standard editing features.

Session-wide spreadsheet view

HIERO makes life easy with its sophisticated, session-widespreadsheet view which can be called upon at any time and gives aside-by-side comparison of the timeline against an offline andextensive metadata for inspection at any point in the conformprocess.

Shot management & export
Export sequences, timeline shot structures, clip hierarchies, &EDL/XMLs
HIERO makes sending shots to VFX simple; bake-out EDLs or XMLs plusmedia selects (with handles) from the timeline, or simply bake outthe entire timeline as a single clip in the required deliveryformat.

Transcode, copy or soft link material
HIERO lets artists force transcode media during the export processby creating a simple copy of it or by creating quick and lightsymbolic links back to the original files to save export time anddisk space.

Create templated NUKE scripts
Create and share templates NUKE scripts to improve collaborationacross VFX departments. Thanks to tight integration with NUKE,HIERO removes the risk of problems occurring due to mistyped pathsand poorly communicated templates.

HIERO<>NUKE integration
HIEROPLAYER is tightly integrated with both NUKE and HIERO offeringa best in class roundtripping and review workflow across bothapplications.

Automatically ingest VFX shots
HIEROPLAYER gives artists working in a HIERO based pipeline theability to automatically pass back rendered shots from NUKE andother VFX tools into the full timeline.

Version shots & snapshot timelines
HIEROPLAYER lets artists easily bring in new versions of shots andswitch between them in a timeline view to easily review changes incontext.

Hierarchical project management
HIEROPLAYER allows users to ingest new media from the file browseror via drag and dropping into the project bin view.

Metadata tagging of shots, frames andsequences
HIEROPLAYER uses HIERO’s tagging abilities to allow the addition ofnotes and store arbitrary metadata on shots and clips in thetimeline, viewer and project bin view.

OpenColorIO export to NUKE
Hiero makes colour management easy with extended export optionsthat allow the creation of OpenCOlorIO colour space ndoes inexported nuke scpripts to match the custom OpenCOlorIOconfiguration.
Open, Scriptable Playback Framework

Extensive Python API
HIEROPLAYER includes Python API, accessible via the script editoror by running scripts on startup, suitable for full integrationwith asset management and production tracking systems.

Integrated PySide
PySide is also included to allow users to build their own customuser interfaces via Python and the Qt frameworks.

Setup+Crack Size: 214 MB

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